Mike Plas, a native of Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, is an animal lover. Jack is his husky-shepherd mix. They have a great connection and are the best of friends.

Mike’s world came crumbling down when he realized one day that his best friend had vanished. Jack, it turns out, was able to escape his collar and fled. Jack must have been merely fooling around when he realized he had lost his way home.

Mike was devastated. He was terrified about losing his dog. They did everything together, from fishing to hunting, and Jack even spends half his day at work with Mike.

But Mike never lost hope. Mike has spent years doing everything he can to locate his beloved doggo. He often wrote online about his dog Jack in the hopes that someone would recognize him.

Four years after losing his dog, Mike received the greatest phone call. A shelter in Winnipeg inquired if he had owned a dog named Jack.

Mike told them that he had lost Jack four years previously, and the shelter confirmed they had his information from the microchip in Jack’s collar.

Jack had found himself in Winnipeg!

Mike was overjoyed. After receiving a phone call from the Centennial Animal Hospital in Winnipeg, he hurried home and began the late-evening trek to Winnipeg.

After a lengthy journey, Mike, his sister, and her husband arrived in Winnipeg the following evening. He introduced himself to the shelter and showed them a photo of himself and Jack.

Mike’s life returned to normal once the shelter brought Jack out to meet him, and he believed that everything was back to normal. It was never the same without his beloved dog, and having Jack back is inexplicable.

Mike tells everyone that they should never lose hope. After four years and several hundred miles apart, Mike and Jack are reunited.

Source: Mike Plas


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