A Golden Retriever named Teddy enjoys a pampered life, thanks to his fur daddy, Jonathan Lower. Jonathan tore down an old closet and converted it into Teddy’s personal space. The result was incredible, and people admired Jonathan’s skills and his loving gestures towards Teddy.

Jonathan, also known as The Home Project Guy on TikTok, has already posted videos of several DIY projects before. But, the one that skyrocketed in views was creating Teddy’s Home. It seemed Teddy’s charm has something to do with the increased number of viewers.

For Teddy’s house, Jonathan worked on the project in the evenings when he was free from his work as a real estate agent. It took him about a couple of weeks to finish it. The house has a doggy entrance big enough for Teddy to pass through. And Jonathan also added a regular door on the side.

Teddy’s house has a custom-made bed, a fireplace, and a TV. He even has fairy lights and portraits in his den to make it cozier. Jonathan also soundproofed the house so Teddy won’t get scared of any unexpected noises.

On some days, Jonathan would hang out with Teddy inside his house to watch movies, eat snacks or have naps. It became a special place where they could spend their time together. But of course, Teddy still has full access to the rest of Jonathan’s house, including his bed and the couches.

True best friend

For Jonathan, Teddy is his best friend. He got him he was a puppy, and he regards him as the one person to be with him through all his ups and downs. In the past couple of years, Jonathan lost several loved ones, and it had been hard for him. But Teddy was with him throughout, to give him support and help him get through.

Get to know more about Teddy and Jonathan in the video below.

Credits to GeoBeats Animals via YouTube and Johnathan Lower via Instagram.


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