When Nikki from Road Dogs and Rescue saw a video of this beautiful pink bulldog, she immediately knew she would be hers.

It all started with a video

Bulldog, who was in a dog shelter then, seemed to be asking for help in a video that Nikki was watching. She immediately got in her car and went to the shelter.
That’s where she found this beautiful pit bull with no fur, row skin, paws, and horrible scabies. She could barely walk, and she was afraid of her own shadow.bulldog, english people, water

Nikki immediately adopted her and took her home. She and her husband decided to name her Molly. Molly has accepted her new family and is acting normally.
She burrows her face into Nikki and her husband all the time. She still had a strange smell of her infections and fought them bravely.
The vets prescribed her the proper therapy, and Mole was improving daily. And if she usually behaved at home, she showed distrust to other people and was always cautious with them.

bulldog, cute, easter

Time passed, and Molly fully recovered. She played and jumped all day; Molly adored cuddling and got a job. Nikki, a therapist, took her to work, where Mole played with staff and patients.
She got the nickname Miss Molly the Healing Bulldog. Even her face is full of scars, which vets say will never go away, and she looks angry all the time; she is like that just at first glance.

pet, bulldog, dog

When Molly approaches people and shows them the love and empathy contained in this beautiful dog, everyone immediately loves her.

Letter of thanks

One patient sent a letter to Nikki, saying that her dog, Miss Molly, was responsible for his recovery. She showed him that someone devastated by a life of fear could become healthy again with the help of the right people around him.
You can watch this beautiful story in the video below.

Source The Dodo via Youtube


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