They say jealousy screams insecurity. However, such belief does not apply to dogs who couldn’t get enough of their owner.

Watch the video below and witness the cute antics of jealous dogs.

It is very entertaining to witness dogs getting jealous over their owner’s attention towards other dogs, humans, and even stuffed toys. It is an excellent indication that dogs feel the same emotions we humans often feel. These dogs are capable of feeling happy or sad. They know what it means to long for someone’s attention and be afraid that someone may replace them.

Jealousy may not be a great trait, but it makes a person more human. In this case, it allows us to realize that dogs are now able to adapt to human-like emotions. Indeed, dogs’ exposure to the human world pushed them to learn the ins and out of this world, which are helpful in their everyday encounter with us.

Our thoughts

Nowadays, people are more open and accepting of dogs. Humans are now able to realize that it is possible to co-exist with dogs. Some people even experienced a better life as these furry creatures make their everyday lives more comfortable by helping in household chores, assisting in their owner’s needs, and a lot of other things. Dogs contribute so much to our lives way more than companionship.

The video presented above opens our eyes to the many things that dogs are now capable of doing. However, if there is a specific lesson that we can get from the video, it would be the ability of the dog to feel the same emotions we human beings often feel. Thus, we should also treat them the way we want to be treated because they already know how to feel happy, sad, and disappointed.

Dogs deserve our respect, just like humans.

Source: YouTube via Pets Story


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