When Mexico City experienced a magnitude 7.1 earthquake, the natural disaster brought a lot of devastation to its millions of residents. Hundreds of people died, and even more were injured. Billions of dollars in infrastructure damage were recorded and a lot of residents were left homeless.

Many apartment buildings were reduced to rubble, and rescuers fear that more people are trapped underneath. Rescue efforts came quickly, and some came from across the globe. For several days, the rescue teams worked non-stop, each of them taking turns so that the other could have a short rest.

Time was very crucial as they don’t know how long the trapped survivors could last. This included pets that weren’t able to get away in time. One of which is a white schnauzer found in a collapsed apartment building in the southern area of the city.

Six days

In a clip of the rescue efforts, a Japanese search and rescue team was working hard sifting through the remains of a residential complex. They worked as fast as they can, but at the same time, they made sure that everyone was safe. Then suddenly, one of the brave rescuers shouted that he sensed movements from the inside.

As they removed the rubble, they realized that it was a dog. Slowly, one of the men wormed his way down the ruins and grabbed the frightened pooch. He then took him out and passed the dog to the rest of the rescuers until he was set on the ground. It seemed that he was okay. But probably famished.

Six days had passed since the earthquake occurred.


No one knows what happened to the dog after his rescue. It was most likely that he was taken to a vet and to one of the volunteer dog rescue groups that also came down to the city. Hopefully, he is doing well, and he is returned to his owners.

More importantly, though, his survival gave hope to the rescuers. There may still be people or animals that can be saved.

Source: nypost.com


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