How to introduce your new dog to your existing dog

It is definitely very exciting and fun to bring home a new puppy! But if you already have a resident dog, you must consider the different personalities of your pets. For us humans, we can easily welcome a guest or a friend into our home. But for dogs it is completely a different story because dogs can become territorial. Further, dogs can also feel nervous when this type of situation arises.

Dogs are considered pack animals. Dogs can roam in the wild in packs as large as fifteen. And each pack has a leader. This leader protects and controls the resources. The privileges of being a leader are getting to eat first, choosing the pack members and getting to rest in the best resting place. The leader is considered as the alpha male or female while the 2nd in line is the beta male or female. Omega are the most submissive members in the pack. When a new member comes in, the ranks must be reorganized. This is why it is important to have a tough “human” pack leader when you bring home a new dog.

Steps on how to get your dogs acquainted

  1. Take your 2 dogs in a park. Parks are a great option because there are plenty of distractions. For example if your resident dog does not want to be closer to the new dog he can just roam around the area. When you bring in a puppy, your resident dog can easily observe what the puppy is. It is because the puppy will just lay on their back or roll over and acts But when you bring home an adult pet dog, you need to pay closer attention to the 2. You can let them sniff each other but check their body language. Do not let them stare and sniff on each other that long. After the introduction, you can say sit or stay to them and once they obey you can give them both a treat.
  2. You can try walking them together if the intro was a success. Let them sniff each other from time to time but always be mindful of their behavior. Continue giving them dog treats when needed.
  3. Observe your dogs’ body postures. It is a good sign if your resident dog likes a play bow or if he invites the new dog to play. Keep an eye on any warning signs of attack. You will notice your dog’s aggression if he is staring, growling, hair standing or showing his teeth. If you see any of this, you need to keep the dogs away from each other. Give them simple command to distract their attentions and always reward their obedience.  You may continue to introduce them to each other until they are accustomed to one another.
  4. Now is the time to bring the 2 of them home that is if the introduction went well! Just make sure you supervise your dogs’ behavior. If you notice signs of aggression you can put one dog inside a crate and the other in a different room.  Always keep the same routine such as mealtimes and walk times you have started when you 1st introduced the new pet dog to your resident dog.

Patience is very important when supervising your new dog and existing dog. Dogs need proper training so they can behave properly. But it is also best to seek professional advice if you experience trouble between your new pet and your existing dog.




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