We are strong believers of second chances. Everyone deserves them and we should be more than willing to give this to them and expect nothing in return. This is where dogs excel and they don’t even know about it. They have unconditional love for humans and sometimes we simply don’t deserve it.

A second chance and unconditional love are exactly what Jumping Bean showed us undeserving humans when he was rescued. He was found in a dirty basement in a home that a family recently bought. Then they called the rescue group Stray Rescue of St. Louis to help them rescue the dog.

Minutes later, the group arrived and went down the basement with some hotdogs for our poor pup to consume. This is also to show that they mean no harm. Immediately, it was very obvious that Jumping Bean was so excited to see humans after a very long time. This showed that he was not holding any grudges against the humans who abandoned them.

This is the exact reason why sometimes we don’t deserve dogs. The rescuer put on a leash around Jumping Bean, pet him a little bit and brought him up to exit the basement. This gave the new owners of the house a good chance to investigate the basement further.

The basement was a disaster. It was filthy with a lot of unwanted items thrown around. It looked like a scene from the movies when the leading character finds his or her house ransacked by the CIA or by goons in search of something valuable. There was also a lot of poop where the pooch was at, suggesting that he was down there for a long time.

When they brought him outside, Jumping Bean went nuts. His tail wagged non-stop, he kept on jumping at people in excitement, so the rescuers decided to name him Jumping Bean. When he got into the rescuers’ car, he kept on rolling around inside too. He was just too happy to get a second chance in life. It was also heartwarming to see a dog give us humans a second chance. See his rescue below.

Video credit: Stray Rescue of St. Louis Official via Youtube


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