Bong was an emaciated Chihuahua that lived in a ditch. Luckily, a passerby saw him and called animal control to rescue him.

Meeting Bong

Bong was shaking as he arrived at the local shelter. He looked like he was having seizures and he ignored the food laid in front of him.

Andrea Sams, the rescue coordinator, had never seen a dog in Bong’s condition in her years of working at the shelter. She knew she had to help the poor two-pound dog recover.

The vet gave Bong a physical check-up and prescribed him some medicine to help with the shaking. Fortunately, after two hours, Bong finally had the appetite to eat.

Bong spent two days in the shelter resting and recovering. He was recuperating fast so Andrea decided that he was ready to be put up for adoption.

Forever home

It didn’t take long before Jessie, a kind woman, inquired to adopt Bong. As soon as Jessie met Bong, she instantly fell in love with him.

Jessie loved how calm and affectionate Bong was despite his past. Bong always looked happy as if he lived a good life before.

After a few months passed, Jessie and Bong’s relationship only grew stronger. They began to do everything together from watching tv to playing in the yard.

Jessie would take Bong with her everywhere except for work. So, when Jessie would come home from working all day, Bong would jump and squeal out of excitement.

Jessie saw how much Bong developed throughout his stay in his forever home. He gained weight and was in optimal health thanks to his new mom.

Jessie was glad to have found Bong and adopted him since she became happier having Bong around. Bong, on the other hand, enjoyed every day of his new life doing things he loved with the person he loved the most.

Watch the heartwarming story here:

Source: The Dodo via Youtube


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