Dogs are incredibly loyal animals that are willing to risk their lives to save their humans. They’re also intelligent creatures who may get us out of trouble or help us whenever we’re in dangerous situations. One particular dog instantly became a hero after saving her owner from a potentially life-threatening situation.

Gwendola Johnson is an 88-year-old lady who lived with her dog named Sandy. She adopted Sandy a few years ago from an animal shelter and they have been inseparable ever since. However, Gwendola wasn’t expecting that the dog she rescued and gave a forever home to will return the favor in the future.

When Gwendola stepped outside her home, she ended up tripping and falling onto the ground. Being already 88 years old, she didn’t have the strength to get herself back up. She was trapped lying on the ground with no one to help her.

young, old, puppy

It was also near impossible to spot Gwendola lying on the ground. Gwendola’s life was in danger if nobody came to help her. Thankfully, her faithful companion, Sandy, was there and knew that her elderly mom needed help. Luckily for Gwendola, Sandy is a smart dog.

When Sandy heard the garbage truck approaching, she immediately raced towards it and started barking at the sanitation worker. Sandy caught the attention of one of the garbage collectors named Kirk White.

Kirk somehow knew that Sandy’s way of barking wasn’t aggressive at all. He stated that her barks were something like she wanted to show him something. As Kirk walked toward Sandy, he eventually noticed Gwendola lying helplessly on the ground.

As soon as Kirk saw what happened, he went inside and helped Gwendola back up on her feet. If it wasn’t for Sandy, Kirk wouldn’t have found Gwendola and helped her. Here’s a video featuring Sandy’s story and how she saved her mom’s life.

Source: NBCLA via YouTube


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