Cynthia Bennett, author of Our Wild Tails: The Adventures of Henry & Baloo, recently announced that her beloved dog Henry has cancer. Last March, she took to Instagram to inform their followers about the heartbreaking news. Together with three snapshots of her furry pal, she described how Henry went downhill overnight, so they had to rush him to the nearest emergency vet.

Bennett also gave details leading up to Henry’s hospitalization, saying the poor canine could barely walk after losing muscle power in a few days. She added that his balance was off and had difficulty breathing, and he refused to eat due to the number of steroids he was taking.

She also shared how they had to spend the night at the vet, where he could barely lift his head as soon as they got there. Henry even needed radiation on his lymph nodes to aid his breathing and help him get through the process. According to Bennett, they had never experienced pain like this before and didn’t have enough words to describe their feelings. She concludes her caption by saying that animals don’t deserve such an ordeal and grabbed the opportunity to tell Henry that many people are sending their love his way.

The emotional post included photos of the mixed-breed Henry lying on the ground with Baloo, his cat best friend, leaning sweetly against him. In another shot, followers can see a shrine in his honor and a video of the cancer-stricken canine on the ground, his flank shaved with Baloo, cuddled next to him.

The following Monday, Bennett informed their 2.2 million Instagram followers about a sad update about how Henry’s cancer was winning.

Unbelievably hard to write – this is how the author started her caption. According to her, saying the words aloud makes their situation more real. She added that while it was a miracle that Henry made it through the night, the disease was already all over his system. Their vets also told them that he is no longer strong enough to get treatments.

Bennett assured she’ll be sharing more of their time through their Instagram stories. In the meantime, they will be taking him up the mountains for the last time. She shared how beautiful the day was, and despite his weak stature, Henry would love to go out and see his favorite scenery.

Henry and Baloo are best friends who frequently appear on social media as they pose happily together while enjoying outdoor activities.

It was mid-February this year when Bennett told their followers about Henry’s cancer. She said they were heartbroken about the news, and they had been crying about the decisions they would make for the days to come. However, they are hopeful that Henry – whom she described as the toughest dog there is – will be fighting for his life.

Prayers are assured for Henry and the entire family!

Source: Henry + Baloo / Instagram


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