In mid-September, the Tactical Dog Unit of the Greater Manchester Police welcomed nine of their cutest members. These were the four male and five female German shepherd puppies. They were born to the brood bitch of the unit named Sally and the police dog, Mati.

According to Inspector Jason Knight, these pups were born on Friday the 13th. While some people may think that this was an unlucky day, for them, it’s not. He described the puppies as very cheeky and look very much alike.

The nine fur balls enjoy chewing on shoelaces and trouser legs. They like interacting with their visitors too. For now, the puppies don’t have names yet. Their new handlers will give them their names once they’re homed.

Hello World! Meet ‘paws’-ibly the cutest new additions to the Greater Manchester Police Dog Unit 🐶🐾. This litter has 4…

Posted by Greater Manchester Police on Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Six of the nine adorable fluff balls will soon start their training as police dogs. They will receive booster injections too. After the vaccination, the puppies will start their play-based training together with their handlers.

The little pooches will play lots of tug of war using a rag as part of their training. This is the beginning of their journey toward becoming canine officers who will tackle criminals on a daily basis. Aside from that, they will also go to airports and similar places to familiarize themselves with public surroundings.

As Inspector Knight said, it is crucial to begin socializing the puppies at a young age. That way, they won’t get fazed with whatever happens in public. They will be general-purpose dogs in the future. As such, these pups will face large-scale disorder, deal with crowd control, and track offenders down.

The police force wants the puppies to grow as bold, confident, as well as socially acceptable dogs. These traits are crucial for them to carry out their significant roles. Once they qualify as canine cops, they will be in the service until they’re about eight years old.

Credit: Greater Manchester Police


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