It is a known fact that many mail carriers actually get to meet a lot of dogs along the way. This is a great opportunity for them to take a quick break and maybe play with these pups. Dogs, on the other hand, also feel happy about meeting them.

Pippin, a seven-year-old Golden Retriever, was a goofball who became a mailman’s best friend. A series of videos showing her eagerly awaiting the arrival of local mailmen warmed the hearts of the netizens.

Pippin and the mailmen

Pippin would always wait for the mailmen to arrive, and she even anticipated their pats. The pup’s owners said that she had always been a friendly one, but over the years, she had developed a particular affection for the local mailmen who happened to love the Golden Retriever just as much.

Kayla, Pippin’s owner, said that her dog loved the postmen, the UPS guys, the FedEx guys, and even the ice cream truck guy. She would wait for them so that she could also get treats or sometimes rides around the neighborhood. Occasionally, she got to steal the mailmen’s sandwiches.

Pippin loved the mailmen so much that she even got a guy who scared of dogs to become her pal. Kayla said that their FedEx guy was scared of dogs, and he wouldn’t come to their front for the longest time. However, after a year of sensitization training with him, the FedEx guy became best friends with Pippin.

Pippin hates to see them go

Sadly, the mailmen couldn’t stay long. And Pippin hated to see them go. The hardest part for these mailmen was to get the dog to leave their mail truck.

Despite that, the adorable Golden Retriever had another best friend she could hang out with. And his name is Frankenstein, a cute, fluffy guinea pig. The duo got along well, and the loved playing together.

Video Source: Caters Clips via YouTube


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