As you have probably noticed, German shepherds are the most popular choice when it comes to law enforcement. That’s because these dogs are super smart, and they are obedient. But despite these characteristics, let’s not forget that they are still dogs, and that means that they still do the silly things that doggos do.

Case in point, the silly German shepherd in the viral video below. As we all know, our puppers like to eat things that they are not supposed to. Oddly, they tend to do it more whenever we tell them not to do it. This behavior can be frustrating at times, but this genius dog dad from Germany used it to his advantage.

I guess we can really say that our fur babies are our children because, just like kids, they don’t like taking medicine. For someone who likes to eat almost anything, it can be challenging to make our doggos take their medicine. But what if we make them think it’s food? That is exactly what this clever dog owner did.

In the clip below, we can see his German shepherd sitting on the kitchen floor while he had several pills in his hand. He then pops one out and drops it on the floor. His pooch then stares at the medicine right in front of him, and the pup is probably trying to figure out what that thing is.

The pupper was probably wondering, “Ooh! What is this thing? Can I eat it?” Surprisingly, the German shepherd just looked at it and didn’t move a muscle. But hold your applause, as that’s not the end of it. Seeing that the medicine piqued his doggo’s curiosity, the dog dad started telling his pooch not to eat it.

As soon as the pupper heard this, he immediately lunged at the pill and ate it right away! And as expected, the German shepherd ran away from his human as he knew his dad would try to make him spit it out. Little did he know that his human actually gave him a pill. Pure genius!

Credits: My Dear Pets


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