Wergelika (CC0), Pixabay

Dogs like to be part of all things that their fur parents do. An activity may be boring but it does not matter to them. What is important is that they get to spend time with their favorite humans.

This made one amusing Husky remain in place, despite the fact that its fur dad accidentally covered its head with the bedsheets. Though the dog’s behavior was amusing, it’s wonderful to see that it stayed at Dad’s side whenever he needed help.

In this adorable and humorous video, a man stood next to a bed. As he began to put out a grey sheet, it appeared that the man intended to make his bed and perhaps get ready for some needed rest.

While a Siberian Husky ambled towards the mattress, it looked like someone wanted to help the man make the bed. Even when Dad did not glance in its direction, the Husky continued to approach him.

The majority of canines would enthusiastically grab a corner of the bedsheet to help their fur parent out, but this Husky behaved in an unusual manner. The Husky rested its head on the mattress in silence and let its father cover him with the grey cloth.

As the film progressed, the humorous Husky’s odd behavior also continued. It appeared that the dog was willing to remain covered by the bedsheet until Dad retrieved a white comforter from somewhere in the room.

As soon as Dad began to spread out the comforter, the quick Husky took its head out from the bedsheet. As before, the excited dog looked at the clean bedding in an effort to help Dad with the chore.

Dad completed the chore, placing the comforter on the bed with care while the Husky stayed in standby mode.

Do you think the weird dog did the same action it did at the beginning of the video?

Source: Rumble Viral


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