No matter what you do, it’s always a great feeling to see someone supporting you, even if it’s just from the sidelines. We can vouch for this claim.

These French Bulldogs are a prime example of it. Mel B is the sister who’d like to get her fitness on, while Cashew is the brother who’d rather watch.

This set-up seemed to work for both pets because soon, the puppies were in the gym with Mel B on the treadmill. Talk about watching one’s health, pup!

While Mel B worked the mill, her brother kept an eye on her. Cashew didn’t understand the logic behind this thing, but he kept all those thoughts to himself.

The incredulous brother probably asked what the point of walking on something was without ever having a destination in mind. Hmm, that’s a valid question, Cashew!

If you must know, it’s all about maintaining weight and keeping it down. It’s also about getting your heart and all parts of your body healthy. Keeping fit is the goal.

It’s not exactly a destination but watching one’s health is crucial to everyone, dog or not. You might want to get on the mill one of these days to check it out.

Cashew wasn’t so sure about this machine that got his sister walking and falling sometimes. Now, he’s got to watch out for her in case it happens again.

Poor doggo, we’re sorry you worry. There’s no need for that, really. Mel B’s perfectly fit, and as you can see, she immensely enjoys visiting the gym every week or so.

You might want to check this treadmill out and see if it makes any difference about how you feel. You’re a great cheerleader, but we know you could be so much more!

May you conquer the mill, Cashew, and we hope you both stay healthy!

Photo and video credits to Cashew The Frenchie via YouTube


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