Sometimes, we can’t help but feel a pang of jealousy at what others possess. But, no matter the reason behind it, we make it as motivation instead to strive hard and achieve the things that we also want.

As such, for a particular French bulldog, he makes sure to get the attention that his fur dad doles out to another pooch – no matter what it takes to get it.

I want that too, dad!

In a video recording his fur dad made, one can see a spotted French bulldog and a pure white one sitting on his lap. Fur dad’s pretty much busy with scratching the white pooch’s neck that the spotted dog can’t help but yearn for it as well.

In a bid to earn such pampering, the spotted pooch starts growling and barking at fur dad. He also wants some of those scratches.

Oh! Thank you for that!

Good thing fur dad managed to understand the spotted pooch’s intentions. So, after some paw nudging, fur dad eventually gave in to the dog’s request. It’s just funny to note how the spotted bulldog positions himself for dad to give him some relaxing back rubs.

While it looks like the issue’s finally resolved, fur dad turns his attention back to the white dog. With dad once again petting the white pooch, the spotted dog can’t help but feel jealous at the scene. He once again barked loudly for dad to stop doing it.

Once again, dad did another round of neck scratching and back rubs on the spotted pooch.

Can you do it on me only?

The spotted pooch’s all content now that dad’s finally giving him the attention. But, the moment he pets the white dog again, the spotted pooch gets all riled up and barks loudly.

This cycle continued for a good few rounds. Good thing fur dad’s too patient with the spotted dog’s whims. But, it’s pretty obvious to see how the spotted French bully wants to hog all the attention to himself.

It seems like there’s no end in sight for this funny incident. But, if you want to find out how fur dad handled the situation, take a look at the video below.

Video Credit: Rumble Viral via YouTube


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