Ryan Hamilton is a Tampa Bay resident who was forced to make a very heartbreaking decision. Unfortunately, he was among the thousands of people who lost their job due to mass layoffs resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. Without any source of income, he lost his house and couldn’t purchase food and supplies for his dog.

Knowing he couldn’t provide for his pet, he had to take her somewhere where her daily needs were met. He adored his pooch, a pit bull mix named Dakota, and all he wanted was the best for her. So he called the local shelter and made some inquiries.

Witing for dad

At first, he asked if they would take his dog temporarily while he looked for work and a new home. The shelter agreed but said they would only hold her for five days. They had lots of dogs under their care because of the same scenario. Ryan also made sure that they were a no-kill shelter. He still had hopes that he would be reunited with his beloved pet.

Five days after he left Dakota, he still couldn’t find another job. Ryan had no choice but to surrender his dog fully. He hoped that the shelter staff could find him a good home.

Dakota soon became a favorite of the shelter staff. She was very friendly and affectionate. It surprised them that no one was showing any interest in adopting her. This was good news for Ryan.


After several weeks, Ryan finally got a job and a home. All the while, he couldn’t forget Dakota. When he was settled, he wanted to see if Dakota was still available. He knew it was a long shot, but he had to see anyway.

Ryan was overjoyed when he learned that Dakota was still at the shelter. He quickly made an appointment and signed his adoption papers. When Dakota was released to her owner, the dog ran into his owner’s arms and kissed him nonstop. The shelter staff was all teary-eyed while watching the heartwarming scene.

Source: Humane Society of Tampa Bay via Facebook


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