paulbr75 (CC0), Pixabay

What could be more terrible than being a stray dog on the streets of Los Angeles? Well, that would be living on the streets of LA while being both deprived of food and blind.

That appears to be how Olive, a cocker spaniel, spent the majority of her existence before being adopted by her new owners.

Imagine Olive’s existence in the streets, blind, with all the cars and traffic that one has to contend with in a metropolis like this.

Olive wasn’t blind, to begin with. When she began to get cataracts in both eyes, she understood how gloomy life may be when you can’t see.

A woman named Holly Emmerson and her husband, Bart, fortunately, rescued her from the streets of Los Angeles.

When they found her, she was in severe need of cataract surgery, but finding the funds for the procedure took a little longer. Bart and Holly were successfully able to raise the needed money for Olive’s surgery with the support of friends, family, and the West Coast Cocker Rescue, all because of their perseverance and commitment.

Olive was able to see clearly again after the surgery. She was ecstatic, and she couldn’t wait to see him again after three years.

Despite the fact that she was able to see after the surgery, the pressure in her eyes was so intense that it was uncomfortable for her. She was unable to see even after the pressure had dissipated.

Her eyes should be removed entirely as per a recommendation from the vet as this would prevent her from being in chronic pain. Bart hated making the decision.

Olive has thankfully become a very vital part of their family, even after she lost her sight again. The dog is still a playful, feisty, and endearing dog despite her blindness.

Holly and Bart will go to any length to ensure that their family is happy despite the circumstances.

Source: Holly And Bart


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