Responders from the Clearwater Police Department were dispatched to retrieve a young pit bull that was found by a resident sitting alone by the side of a busy road. It was evident that he grew up with humans as he was very friendly and glad to be getting attention. But, it also seemed that although he had a family, the pup was neglected.

The excitable pooch was small and severely emaciated. What was even more baffling is that whoever dumped him also left a bag of dog food. The dog’s owner seemed worried that he might go hungry but didn’t love him enough to take good care of him.

Or surrender the pup properly.

Under investigation

The pit bull happily went with the officers and was taken to the Pinellas County Animal Control. The little pooch was obviously craving love and attention. He was so adorable that the cops wondered how his owners could just dispose of him like that.

Once he was at the local shelter, he was looked at by a vet and given some food and water. Thankfully, he wasn’t suffering from any disease or injuries.

The cops have started an investigation on the matter and are looking for the person responsible for the heartless act. The pup could have been seriously injured if he had walked into the street. He was lucky to have been found by a human concerned for his safety.

Black pickup truck

According to the officers, there has not been much information available. They have very few leads to work with. One witness said that the dog was most likely left by a man driving a black truck. There were no other details.

As for the pup, the shelter staff will help him gain his ideal weight. And once he is deemed healthy, he will be put up for adoption.

Source: Clearwater Police Department via Facebook


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