Pit Bulls are notorious for their fierce and formidable behavior, but in this story, we see another side to them. Lily, a pittie rescued from a harsh life on the streets, demonstrated that one can still be sweet despite hardships. She bided her time in trusting humans again, but her adoptive parents’ patience and love helped her do so.

She became a major cuddler, always wanting to be close to her human family. She’s always waiting on her mom or dad to hold her, assigning herself as their permanent companion for life. She practically glues herself to her humans!

Lily became more confident and trusting that she welcomed body rubs from kind strangers, and they couldn’t help but smile at this clingy dog. On top of being a cuddler, Lily displayed her love for ice cream too, and strangers were more than happy to get her some!

She’d be overjoyed whenever she’s given a puppy cup with some chunks she could dig her teeth into. We sure hope we see more of this sweet side of pitties more often.

Pit Bulls are generally not the cuddly kind, but Lily’s story shows us that they are softies at their very core. Give them some love and make an effort to understand how they operate, and they’ll surprise you with how sweet they truly are.

We think all dogs in general are good souls. It’s our preconceived notions that label pitties as fierce ones. That’s why we’re glad that we saw this story – it sure helped a lot in making us see their gentle side!

This heartwarming story of Lily proves that Pit Bulls are just as loving as any other dog breed. If you’re considering adopting a Pit Bull, don’t let their reputation discourage you—they can make wonderful, affectionate pets!


Credits to Amore Animale – Compilations via YouTube


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