There are certain things in life that we have to learn the hard way. We might even get hurt just to make sure we get the lesson. A dog from Santa Rosa California knows it all too well. She definitely learned her lesson but had a funny way of coping with it.

Jensen Kendall owns a dog named Akelah. Like any other dog, he is energetic and playful. Last Christmas though Jensen shared a funny video of him standing by the door waiting for them to open it. Which is pretty normal for a dog, but you can see it the video the door was obviously open.

As per Jensen, Akelah has taken multiple hits in the past at that same glass door. He is always running around that he tends to not see the glass door on multiple occasion. By the time the video was taken though, looks like he learned his lessons. So, he stopped by the door and patiently waited for someone to open it for him.

They tried telling him to come in and that the door was open, but he didn’t want to be tricked so he stayed and waited. Jensen’s sister then came to the door and pretends to swing it open, and Akelah immediately ran inside. According to Jensen, he never comes inside the house until you open or at least pretends to open the door for him now. Which is annoying and cute at the same time.


It was very funny but Akelah was playing it safe. He must have had a painful hit before and don’t want to make that same mistake. Well,  guess a lot can relate to him. We all had that mistake that hurts so bad we surely won’t do it again. It may fool us once or even twice but not again this time.

Credits to Jensen Kendall


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