Dog’s physical exercise needs depend on their breed.

Keeping dogs healthy and bouncy

Regular exercise is essential for every dog to boost their overall health. Staying active helps them develop a more muscular body and brain. However, it’s also necessary to understand how frequently they need to exercise. It depends on what type of dog you own and other factors, such as their body type, energy level, physical ability, age, and personality.

Keep an eye on your dog’s behavior to assess if it is getting enough exercise. If your puppy seems hyperactive, it might have plenty of repressed energy; unleash it and take it for a walk.

Frequency and intensity of exercise


The recommended daily exercise for dogs is at least 20 minutes of walking or jogging. Do it two times a day for maximum results. As you regularly take your dog for a walk, adjust the minutes based on their needs. Young, hyperactive breeds may need more intense exercise than senior dogs.

If the weather is bad in your area, you can mentally exercise your pet instead. For instance, you can use obedience training, a puzzle toy, or tug-of-war to keep them active indoors. A healthy treat will also help them from getting bored inside your home.

Prioritize safety during intensive workouts

Warm up your dog before taking them to an intensive exercise like jogging. You can perform light tricks to ensure they are ready to run with you in the dog park. This will avoid strained muscles and other injuries your dog may have without warm-up exercise.

In addition, you can try dog sit-ups to prepare your dog for the day’s workout. Tell them to sit and lie down several times. It will reinforce your dog’s obedience skills as well as workout readiness.

Allow them to rest up

Don’t be too strict about your dog’s exercise needs. If your dog already looks tired or doesn’t want to play anymore, give it time to rest. This will help your dog recover from the intense workout and regain strength and vigor.

Another important tip is to keep your pup hydrated throughout the training. If not, it will feel lethargic after the exercise and may require clinical service due to dehydration. Pet owners must be alert to the signs of dehydration because ignoring them can quickly put a dog to death.

However, it is not advisable to give dogs too much fluid before a heavy workout. The best thing to do is to wait 20 minutes after intense exercise before allowing them to drink or eat. This will avoid upsetting their stomachs, which can sometimes lead to dehydration and diarrhea.


Allow your dog to work out daily to keep it in perfect condition. Please take it to the park or walk around your neighborhood to keep it active and healthy. Just follow these exercise tips mentioned above.


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