All little puppies love to play, but not all of them have the same methods. Many dog owners swear that their dogs have their own unusual way of doing things. Others may find it unusual, but it is also what makes us fall in love with them. It’s these small quirks that set them apart.

A woman named Kathryn Miller discovered something very unusual with her newly adopted puppy. The English Bulldog, which she named Sophie, was with them for merely a few days when she started doing something unusual. This caught her off-guard, so she started recording it so that people would believe her. That video racked up almost five million views as of today.

english bulldog, dog, sweet

Tumbling down the hill

Kathryn said that she took Sophie out one beautiful day to get some sun. She walked up a hill carrying Sophie. She then set her down to let her go potty and play. Kathryn watched Sophie walk around until she stopped, threw herself on the ground, and then rolled down the hill.

Kathryn was terrified and shocked. She immediately thought that Sophie stumbled and hurt herself. She ran to the pup to check on her. But when she saw that the pup was smiling, she calmed down. She let the puppy ran again, and she did the same thing.

She realized that Sophie was just playing, and she loved rolling down the hill. So Kathryn decided to take out her phone and record the charming pup. Sophie did it four more times, and she would roll over and over again. They would just then pick her up and take her up the short hill again.

Still a bit confused about what just happened, Kathryn decided to call the breeder. There she discovered that Sophie’s mom loved doing it as well. Kathryn had nothing to worry about. Sophie was just two months old, but it seems she picked up a lot of her mother’s traits.

Source: Kathryn Miller via Youtube


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