We’ve read hundreds of dog stories on the internet talking about how dogs are saving humans, but we don’t see a lot of stories where the humans become the saviors. Well, this is probably because dogs are very good at detecting danger, and they can help humans in a lot of ways.

However, this viral story could earn us big points in our dogs’ books. Because the hero in this story is a 75-year-old man, who battled a 7-foot alligator to save his dog. The story took place in Florida, behind Buddy’s home. He was taking care of his daughter’s golden retriever, Osi, while she went on vacation.

Buddy’s daughter, Jody, left her precious pooch at her dad’s house without any worries. She was on vacation mode, and she knew that Buddy and Osi always got along. Little did she know that while she was enjoying her trip, her dad and her dog were about to face a big problem.

On that fateful morning, Buddy took Osi on a nice walk in his backyard. While walking around, Osi ran over to the pond behind Buddy’s home to do her business. Suddenly, Buddy noticed an unusual ripple in the water, and it was moving fast. It was early morning when this took place, so Buddy couldn’t see very well.

Then the water “exploded” as Buddy explained. It was a 7-foot alligator that was lurking in his pond! It bit Osi on her hindquarters, which induced a loud yelp from the poor pup. Buddy knew he had to do something before it was too late. He then kicked the alligator’s snout, which made it release Osi.

He called emergency services, and a few minutes later, trappers arrived and captured the intruding reptile. Buddy informed Jody what happened, and she was relieved that both of them were safe. We applaud Buddy for his heroism. Despite his age, he didn’t back down from that big fight to save his furry friend.

Credits: ABC Action News


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