Fur parents know how canines love their daily routines. No matter what kind of tasks they do, dogs willingly perform them to please their beloved hoomans.

Thus, one Australian Shepherd patiently waits for the mailman by the curbside. The pup doesn’t even complain about the long wait as it dashes towards the mail truck to fetch fur dad’s parcel for the day.

Oh, there’s the mail, Aspen!

In this exciting video clip, one can initially notice a spot-furred Australian Shepherd named Aspen sitting on the grass. It looks like Aspen’s patiently waiting for someone to arrive as he focuses his gaze on the road.

This scenario carried on for a few more seconds until Dad calls the Aussie’s attention. Hearing the man’s voice, the clever pup makes eye contact with him and wordlessly asks what he wants from him.

But, instead of answering the doggo, Dad encourages Aspen to look at the road ahead. Dad then soon pans the camera out to reveal an incoming mail truck.

What a good boy! Thanks a lot!

It turns out; Aspen stays by the curbside to wait for the mail truck to arrive. At some point, Aspen even starts barking furtively to signal to the mailman to wait for him.

As soon as Aspen’s most-awaited guest comes into view, he dashes towards its direction. The moment the mutt reaches the truck’s location, he snatches the parcel the friendly mailman doles out to him.

And, just like that, Aspen makes a U-turn and bolts towards Dad’s direction. On and on, Aspen sprints until he finally makes his way back to Dad.

How do you think Dad reacted towards Aspen’s diligent mail-fetching stint? Well, if you want to view everything in live-action, make sure to click the play button below.

Video Credit: Rumble Viral via YouTube


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