Dogs love food big time! No matter what dish you serve them, canines don’t care so long as they can fill their bellies with delicious food.

Yet, one doting fur dad serves his beloved canines their dinners with a surprising twist. The pups only need to acknowledge their presence before they get their “orders” café style.

Order number one’s up! Where’s Tito?

In this entertaining video footage, a man’s hand holds onto a metallic bowl. With the way the man holds the dish, he’s about to serve someone with their food order.

As the camera pans out, three adorable canines appear, sitting obediently in the adjacent living room. The man then soon announces that the potato salad fries are ready.

And, the moment fur dad announces the dish, he then looks for the pup named Tito. The white-furred Tito immediately springs into action and makes his presence known to Dad.

All served!

After Tito digs into his tasty dinner, Dad then proceeds to fetch another order. The man then announces to the remaining canines what dish he’s bringing – a kelp salad with an extra cup of avocado.

Dad then asks the waiting mutts if there’s anyone named Shadow among them. And, as soon as he hears his name, the brown-furred doggo responds with a booming bark. Yet, as Dad wants to deliver the correct order to the right person, he asks for a confirmatory response.

Without wasting any second, Shadow then energetically jumps to show Dad he’s the right dog for the order. The pup then munches on his meal, leaving the other white-furred canine waiting for his food.

Soon enough, Dad brings out a Meat lover’s pizza and Stromboli dish while asking for someone named Chancers. Do you think Chancers responds in the same manner as his other canine sibs? Well, take a look at the amusing video clip below to see for yourself.

Video Credit: ViralHog via YouTube


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