Unlike female dogs, male dogs are not known to be a hands-on parent. It is usually the female dog that is more protective and takes care of her puppies. This is probably attributed to a male dog’s instinct to explore, play and natural strength. They often cause harm to their delicate litter although it is often unintentional.

However, the dogs rescued by the Hope for Paws in Compton tell a different story. The rescue team received a phone call about a family of homeless dogs taking up residence on a steelyard in Compton, California. The family is made up of the mother, and three little puppies. When the pups saw the rescuers, it was scared. They wag their tail when approached by Lisa Arturo, one of the rescuers.

It was apparent they were hungry and very curious, which is a typical attitude. Eventually, the team decided to make their move.

They tried to capture the mother first as she is most likely to be the hardest. Next, come the puppies. However, when the team wanted to capture them, the puppies ran away. They were panicking and took off running in any direction. One of them even hid on a tight spot underneath the pipes.

It is evident that none of the pups had any human contact at all. One pup also ran towards the road. But the patient rescue duo was very persistent with their mission. Watch the full story below.


Once they were all safely caught, the dogs were brought to the vet. It was then discovered that the ‘mom’ was the ‘dad.’ It was apparent that he was taking care of the puppies. Hope for Paws immediately called the steel yard and was told that they would back the moment they saw the mother.

All the dogs are now cleaned and will be fostered until they will find their forever homes. Thanks to Hope for Paws for giving these animals a chance to have a second chance in life.

Source Hope for Paws – Official Rescue Channel via YouTube


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