Most people look forward to snow because it rarely happens in Austin, Texas, and the labrador mix named Jonesy was one of them. Jonesy’s human mom, Jenny Royal, shared that the sudden change of weather was a big deal to Jonesy because it was his first time seeing snowflakes falling from the sky and piling up on the ground.

Jonesy initially freaked out when he saw what was happening. Jenny admitted she could not imagine that her dog had any slightest idea what it was because it was all new to him.

Jenny recalled that Jonesy refused to go outside when he saw the snow falling on the ground. The poor dog looked so terrified and was practically frozen like a little statue.

Jenny shared that she had to coax Jonesy to join her outside by standing in the yard and showing him that everything would be alright. The one-year-old pooch reluctantly crept out of the door to see what the snow was all about.

Jenny said that a switch suddenly flipped as soon as Jonesy realized that the icy, crunchy stuff under his little paws would not cause him any harm. The adorable pup went berserk and started doing zoomies in the snow as if there was no tomorrow.

Jenny captured the video and shared it with a journalist named Mary Schwager, otherwise known as Watchdog Mary. The snippet showed that Jonesy kept running and stopping to smell the snow while doing zoomies like a crazy dog, and the people who saw the footage on Watchdog Mary’s Instagram could not help but feel excited for the dog.

Jenny said that she had not seen the snow for many years since it rarely happens in her hometown. However, she shared that it was a memorable experience because she got to share it with her dog and see his adorable reaction.

Source: Watchdogmary via Instagram


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