The Christmas season is often just like any other time of the year for a shelter dog. In Galati, Romania, one shelter makes sure their dogs enjoy some Christmas cheer with a visit from Santa.

Sava’s Safe Haven shelter has been around since 2012. Run by a Romanian family, Alexandra Sava works closely with her community to care for all kinds of animals in need.

Each Christmas, Alexandra and her family put on a special holiday celebration for their shelter pets. The Sava family gathers food, toys, snacks, and other supplies donated to their shelter. They wrap all the donations in holiday paper and fill Santa’s sack.

When Christmas Day arrives, Alexandra’s brother dresses up as Santa Claus and pays a visit to the shelter. Santa comes through the doors of the shelter bearing loads of gifts to put under the shelter’s Christmas tree. Watch how excited the dogs get when Santa brings his gifts here:

Alexandra said they do this special event because some of their animals have lived there for years. The veterinary technician knows these dogs’ chances of being adopted are low, and this is one way she can bring them joy.

Romania has a large stray dog population, so Alexandra’s shelter is often at maximum capacity. Currently, the Sava Safe Haven has over 270 animals living there. Sadly, many will never see permanent homes. Alexandra wants her animals to experience love during the Christmas holidays.

This year’s visit from Santa happened on Christmas Eve. They have videos of each of their Christmas celebrations documented on their website. Sava’s Safe Haven also has a Facebook and Instagram account where they highlight their animals.

Sava’s Safe Haven shelter also provides neutering services to their animals as well as animals in their community. The family company organizes outreach programs and offers veterinary care to the families in their villages.

Credits: Good News Network YouTube


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