825545 (CC0), Pixabay

Do you like rising up early in the morning? While some of us do, and others do not. The majority of pet owners are likely early risers due to their pets’ preference for waking up bright and early every day.

Oaklie, a silver Labrador who is nine months old, enjoys this habit of rising at the crack of dawn. This active dog begs his owner to let him out as early as 6:30 a.m. daily.

The owner of Oaklie initially felt that the dog needed to use the potty outside but afterward understood that this was not the case. Oaklie’s ultimate passion, though, is to swim in their family’s brand-new pool.

His owner posted a video of the dog on Twitter and explained what was occurring. He reported that Oaklie has a new pool and is eager to go swimming. Even though it was only 6:30 a.m., the dog had already brought his towel to the pool and was standing there.

Oaklie deceived his mother by claiming he needed to use the restroom outdoors when, in reality, he longed to swim in the new pool, the owner said.

However, Oaklie’s urge to swim so early in the morning was not the only endearing feature of the picture. Also noticeable was the stark contrast between his and his owner’s levels of enthusiasm in the morning. When he told Oaklie that he couldn’t enter quite yet, Oaklie’s owner used a typical morning tone.

The video showed that Oaklie’s owner was still half-asleep and sluggish when he released Oaklie outside, whereas Oaklie was wide awake, eager to play, and keen to enjoy his pool. He absolutely loved playing and swimming in that pool. If he makes this a daily ritual, then his owner will have to deal with his early eagerness every day.

Source: ViralHog


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