Veronica has been fostering for over four years. There are a handful of foster dogs that she cried over when they got adopted. Sage was one of them.

When Veronica looks back at what Sage has been through, she gets emotional. Sage is a completely different dog now.

Sage was brought to the shelter as a stray, and she was covered with ticks and fleas. Sage had trouble trusting people, but Veronica can tell that she wanted to try to trust again.

Sage would take treats from Veronica’s hands. Veronica can see that she was unsure of herself because she would then back away. Veronica then decided to foster her.

Sage had patches of missing fur, and Veronica would give Sage a medicated bath two to three times a week. There were a lot of things they had to do before Sage became what she is now.

It was not only Veronica who helped Sage go through her ordeal. Riot is one of Veronica’s dogs, and she was a big help to Sage. Riot took Sage under her wings as she does to the other foster dogs. Riot taught Sage everything she knows.

The fantastic thing is, Sage always wanted to follow Riot right around and learn more from her. That’s why when Sage was adopted, Veronica got emotional.

Veronica remembers the hard times that they went through together. Looking back, Veronica is happy that Sage pulled through. Sage was adopted and was renamed Marley.

Her father, Brandon, is pleased and proud to have her. According to him, Marley is the sweetest girl in the entire world. She loves to snuggle and loves to give her new parents kisses all the time. Marley’s life is far from the experience that she had in the shelter. Marley is very fortunate to have met Veronica.

Source The Dodo via YouTube


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