Not every shelter pup is lucky enough to be adopted. The painful truth is a lot of dogs spend years before they find that family that will love them. And a few may never experience the joy of being part of a caring household.

A pooch named Prudence has spent almost half of her life in the care of a shelter in Cincinnati. But miracles do happen, and in Prudence’s case, they’ve come in the form of her new family.

Taking care of Prudence

Earlier this year, the shelter shared online that Prudence was actually ready for adoption. This was after her recovery from heartworm treatment and hip surgery. These procedures extended her stay at the rescue shelter.

At the time Prudence was put up for adoption, the shelter had nothing but nice words about her. According to an adoption notice, Prudence is not just a beautiful dog; she is also full of personality. Being a sweet and friendly dog, she definitely loves being around people.

Furthermore, the shelter said that Prudence would do best in a household where there are a lot of people who would play with her. The dog also loves being the center of attention, and she likes following people around in hopes that she will receive treats or a pat on the head.

Prudence’s new life

After such a long wait, Prudence ended up finding her forever home. The shelter uploaded photos of the dog with her new family to Facebook. All the pictures showed how excited Prudence was to be with the people who would give her love and care.

Following Prudence’s adoption, a lot of netizens shared their kind sentiments. One said that she got chills when she read Prudence’s news, adding that there was still good in the world. Another said that Prudence surely looked happy and that the dog’s news was the best story of 2021.

Image Source: SPCA Cincinnati via Facebook


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