A dog is a best friend of a man, and this story proves that. This devoted dog refused to stay put at home while her owner was in hospital.
When a man named Cemal Senturk from Turkey was rushed to the hospital, his dog Boncuk could barely resist going to the hospital. Boncuk fled from the apartment and ran behind the ambulance right to the hospital. The hospital was near their home.
When the staff saw the dog waiting endlessly outside the hospital, they rang Cemal’s family to inform them about their dog’s whereabouts. When brought home, an anxious Boncuk couldn’t stay put without her owner. She ran away to the hospital yet again and waited anxiously outside the hospital door for Cemal.
Every time Cemal’s family got Boncuk home, she would again run away to the hospital. To pacify Boncuk, Cemal would talk to him through the window. This would reassure and calm her down.
According to a security guard at the hospital, Boncuk came every day at 9 am and stood there till night time to go back home. She would peek inside every time the door opened.
Boncuk was finally at peace when Cemal came outside the hospital in a wheelchair. She was glad to be reunited with her dad. Cemal said that Boncuk was very close to him, and even he missed her dearly.

According to Cemal’s daughter, Cemal adopted Boncuk nine years ago. He took great care of her, and now she tried to show her loyalty by not leaving Cemal alone.

The visitors at the hospital were in for a surprise to see this kind of bond between a dog and its owner.
The staff at the hospital showered their affection for Boncuk and ensured that he was taken care of. This is one of the most heartwarming stories you’ll find online.

Source theguardian.com


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