Trudi, a very docile Bernese mountain dog, and Cody, an extremely affectionate golden retriever, are dog siblings that have a very unusual habit. If people hold hands, they touch paws. And they love it that they do it every day.

“They really really love one another,” said Thomas, their owner. “They go outside together, they come back inside together, and eat together or they won’t. They are so attached.”

Thomas explained that the unusual paw holding started when Cody was young. “It began when Cody was no longer in the stage of wanting to play all the time. He calmed down then it happened,” said Thomas.

But Cody does not only start touching Trudi’s paws. He also learned his sister is one comfy bed and laid on her. And Trudi was more than happy to accept Cody’s affection.

“Trudi just lays down as Cody goes over her,” said Thomas. “The Bernese dog is the most laid-back canine breed there is. She simply doesn’t care whatever Cody does.”

There isn’t a day that will just pass by without Trudi and Cody snuggling while holding one another’s paws. It’s been a regular thing for them that Thomas hardly snaps photos anymore. “It’s something that they do every day. They can stay in that position for an entire hour until one of them moves or when they hear the sound of the refrigerator door opening.”

Thomas also explained that Cody and Trudi had attempted holding his hands. “When I’m driving, whoever gets to sit beside me would grab my hand. It doesn’t matter if it’s an hour drive or two. They’re just touchy-feely using their paws.”

Evidently, Cody and Trudi really love holding paws. As their owner, Thomas doesn’t think they are going to get tired doing so. But he is delighted to see how closely bonded his dogs are.

Photo Credits to Thomas via The Dodo


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