If you have an Alaskan malamute in your home, then you know how stubborn this dog can be. There are times when malamutes refuse to obey commands just because they don’t feel like following them. And most of the time, they have plenty to say about it!

The dog in our video is Philip, an Alaskan malamute. He decided one day to have a bit of fun by not doing what his human mom told him to do. And what was mom’s command? It’s the most basic of all: sit.

Mom happened to record the malamute’s “arguments” on video. The clip shows Philip with his malamute brother Nico. Philip was standing while Nico was sitting down.

“Sit down,” mom said. “Philip, you sit down.” However, the malamute didn’t do as told. Instead, he looked at mom and howled.

“Stop answering me back,” mom told him. Philip howled again. “Do what Nico’s doing. Sit down.”

Philip’s response was the same as the first few times mom told him to sit. He simply looked at her and howled. It looked as if he was reasoning with her why he shouldn’t have to sit down like his brother.

“No, I don’t want to speak to you unless you sit down,” mom told Philip. The dog just kept howling at her. He wouldn’t sit down as mom instructed. The entire time, Nico was sitting down, quietly looking at mom and then at Philip.

When mom told Philip one more time to sit down and he howled at her, Nico howled along as if to say to him, “Just do what mom says, and this will be over.” However, Philip was feeling quite stubborn that day.

Mom knew that when her fur babies act this way, she had to be firm. She should not let them have their way. So she commanded Philip sternly this time.

“Phil, stop answering me back. Sit,” she said. Amazingly, Phil dutifully sat down. “Good boy! That’s better, thank you!” Mom praised the malamute for finally obeying her command.

The video ended with the two adorable dogs sitting by the couch and looking at mom. Watch it below.

Source: Life with Malamutes via YouTube


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