Dodger, surely, loves his little human brother unconditionally. Even before Everett was born, the pup has shown how much he meant to him. And that love cannot be replaced by anything this world can offer.

Jessie Klorman recalls that Dodger was always beside her during her pregnancy. He was a great cuddle buddy that looked after her all the time. If there was something Dodger had his eyes set on, it was Jessie’s belly.

Everett came into this world a few weeks early, so his hospital stay was a bit longer than usual. But once he finally came home, everyone’s thrilled, especially Dodger. The pup snuggled up right beside his family. And because the newborn slept for no less than 15 hours each day, Dodger made sure to keep his parents entertained.

Since day one, Dodger has proven how devoted he is to Everett. And that devotion only grew bigger in each passing day.

Today, Everett has become a happy and healthy toddler. And Dodger was beside him all along, watching him and caring for him on his own sweet way, particularly during nap times.

Every time Everett takes his naps, Dodger will surely be there. He’d curl up right beside the crib, guarding and comforting the little one as he dozes off to dreamland. And once Everett wakes up, Dodger will get up and greet his favorite human with a sweet kiss.

When Dodger is on duty, nothing can go wrong. The Klormans are guaranteed that their adorable baby is in safe paws. But more than that, the couple is overjoyed that Everett has already found his best friend.

The relationship that Dodger and Everett have is one of a kind. There’s no doubt that as they both grow bigger and older, their love for another will also flourish. And their parents wouldn’t have it any other way.

Credits to Jessie Klorman


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