Dagwood and his sister Bucket has a life that most dogs would envy. Many people would envy them too. They live with their parents, Keith and Brianna Madia, in a van going through all sorts of adventures every day. They would drive around the country, going to the most amazing places and soak in the wonders of nature. They have hiked through forests, mountains, and deserts. Life couldn’t get any better for this family.

But then, tragedy struck when Dagwood got hit by a car. Keith and Brianna were frantic. They were nowhere near any town or city where they can get fast access to medical treatment. Nevertheless, they quickly put Dagwood in their van and floored the gas. It took them six hours before they can get Dagwood to an emergency room.

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He’s alive!

Because of his major injuries, the vets said to the couple that Dagwood only had a ten percent chance of surviving surgery. The couple was sad to hear that, but if there was a dog that could beat those odds, they knew that it would be Dagwood.

And they were right. Dagwood’s surgery was a success. Doctors said that their beloved pet is going to survive. But, he was going to be paralyzed. Dagwood broke parts of his pelvis, and his rear legs couldn’t move. It didn’t matter to the couple; they were ecstatic that Dagwood survived.

Over the course of a few months, Keith and Brianna would help Dagwood walk using a sling. They would sometimes carry him. Dagwood also saw several therapists who tried to get his back legs working again. And just like before, Dagwood defied the odds and he got to make his rear legs work. Although it wasn’t like his normal stride, he was able to regain independence.

Not the family is back on the road again. And as a symbolic gesture, they went back to the desert where Dagwood got hit. Brianna said that she thought that the next time they would go there was to bring Dagwood’s ashes. But thankfully, they are back there to enjoy nature once again.

Source: The Dodo via Youtube


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