A rescue group receives a lot of calls about stray dogs every day. One particular call was about a tiny dog who was living in a vast field.

The concerned citizen who called informed the rescuers how they tried to approach the dog. They came close in saving her, but there were still unsuccessful.

The two rescuers spotted the dog that day and were planning on bringing her in. Unfortunately, the dog disappeared on them. It was easy for the dog to escape because the field was so vast.

The rescuers strategized on catching the dog. The area was too big for them to chase it, so they planned on using a trap.

The very next day, they went back to the location at six in the morning. They waited for the dog for an hour. Thankfully, the dog appeared. It noticed the trap and the cheeseburger inside it.

No one can resist a cheeseburger, most especially a dog who has been hungry for a while. It was also essential for the rescuers to observe the trap from a distance as not to scare the dog away. The dog went inside the trap, making the rescue a success.

They named the dog Pinky. They brought Pinky to the vet where she was spayed, vaccinated, and microchipped. She was then sent over to Foxy and the Hounds to be fostered.

The rescuers who got Pinky were from Hope For Paws. That organization got a call from Foxy and the Hounds bearing good news. They were informed that Pinky’s foster mom fell in love with her and decided to adopt her. Pinky now has her forever family.

This is all thanks to the concerned citizen who called Hope For Paws and the rescuers of that organization. Special thanks to the cheeseburgers as well. They are the critical factors for pinkie to have her forever home.

Source Hope For Paws – Official Rescue Channel via YouTube


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