Death can happens at the most unexpected time. Oftentimes, we are not even prepared for it coming. Though we know that it will take place, we don’t know when it will occur.

Accepting the death of a loved one is not easy. It will take a lot of adversities and discomfort. We were taught to just accept the unavoidable, and death is considered to be one of the inescapable things to happen in our lives.

We’ve seen a lot of reactions after someone died. We mourn, we get angry, we feel guilty, we are raging inside, we get depressed, and sometimes we feel indifference. However, we need to let go of these emotions and simply accept what happened. People who are mourning need to choose if they continue to live in misery or they need to put their agony away and start living again.

As pet owners, maybe we are wondering what would be our pets’ reactions when we pass away. Experts said that pets mourn too, just like humans. Some pets grieve themselves to death. Our pets love us so much that they will be aware when their owners don’t come back. They can sniff death too and they are absolutely aware of what death is.

On the video below, after the death of his owner in 2014, Zozo the dog who lives in Ordu, Turkey visits his owner’s graveyard every day.

They say that pets who sit at their owner’s grave don’t mourn but are still holding on and hoping for their owners to go home. It is sometimes difficult for our dogs to accept that their owners are already gone.

Our pets know that we are not just their food providers but we have the ability to love them until the end of time. That is why some dogs keep their loyalty even after their owners pass away.

Watch how Zozo expresses his love and loyalty to his owner as he visits the graveyard every day:

Source: All Colors Tv via YouTube


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