A dog named Johnny Wobbles was found near the exit of a very busy freeway in Alabama. Like any other homeless animal, he hustled his way into this world. He rummaged every trash bin he found for food, and he drank spoiled chocolate milk on the day the rescuers came for him.

Johnny Wobbles was weak and he fell ill shortly after his rescue. Fortunately, he urgently received the appropriate medical care. After a few days, he felt better and he just didn’t stop recovering.

Everyone at the rescue center perceived how sweet the dog was. They all saw how he interacted with the other rescue dogs and they agreed he will do great in a home even if he wasn’t the only dog. On the other hand, they also realized that his desire to be with a human is stronger than his eagerness to have a furry sibling.

The elderly dog needed someone who could be with him for the most part of the day. His search for a new mom or dad was long, but it was worth it because he ended up with the best human parents any dog could ever have.

Spouses Duffey and Kelly, retirees, have had dogs almost their entire marriage. The only time they didn’t have one was when they spent a few months on the road. They wanted to go places and traveling was a lot easier without a dog, or so they thought.

When the couple came to the rescue center, they met three dogs. The first one, Inspector, was too energetic for them, and Darlene was incredibly mellow. Johnn Wobbles, on the other hand, was a perfect choice.

When the dog met the couple for the first time, he held his head low and asked to be petted. He also rubbed his body against them. He did exactly what their last dog, Phoenix, often did, and because of it, they decided he was the one.

Today, Johnny Wobbles lives the best life. He eats delicious food, sleeps on a soft bed, and goes on long drives with his new mom and dad.

Credits: Villalobos Rescue Center and Animal Planet


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