A blind date is not for everyone. What seems like a ‘good date’ through text could quickly turn into a ‘bad date’ after meeting the person. Meeting up with someone we haven’t met before could be awkward for many.

In Surrey, England, Lizzy Johnson had an awkward date and an ugly first impression of her date.

Her date thought it would be a great idea to bring his dog on their first meeting as they walked alongside a river. But as they took a nice walk along River Mole, her date didn’t notice his pup, who can’t swim, jump into the river.

Lizzy said that instead of rushing into the water to save his pup, her date just panicked and kept saying that his dog never tried being in water before. So Lizzy took it upon herself to save her date’s pup. She rushed into the water, even though she was wearing shoes that had heels.

Lizzy struggled to find footing and was slowly sinking deeper into the water as her date fumbled around on the dry ground. Lizzy eventually reached the pup and pulled him back with the help of her date, who finally decided to help Lizzy. They all got right out of the water safely, but the date turned out to be disastrous. The trio had to walk back to their car and had many people send them strange looks.

It would have been better if her date just shut his mouth throughout their entire return trip, but he decided to give excuses as to why he did not jump in the water immediately to save his struggling pup. Lizzy made up her mind not to meet that guy again after just one date. She said that the dog looked like a Boxer, but she didn’t know his name. The Boxer pup jumping into the water must have been his way of warning Lizzy not to date his fur dad.

Credits to Kennedy News and Media


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