Every fur parent knows the competitive nature their canine buddies possess. No matter what activity dogs do, they ensure they put in their best effort so no one outshines them.

Thus, one adorable puppy howls as loud as it can to surpass its fur dad’s performance in their impromptu howling contest. With the way things look, the pup refuses to let Dad take the limelight.

I can do better than that, Dad.

In this amusingly entertaining video clip, one can initially see a brown-furred doggo sitting on the wooden floor of their hallway. At first, it seems the pup’s merely gazing at an interesting item as it cranes its head closer to its direction.

Suddenly, one can hear a man howling loudly. Though one cannot decipher the reason behind the man’s action, the dog can’t ignore it as it starts howling as well.

For the next few seconds, Dad and the funny canine alternately wail in the room, eager to outshine the other’s performance. The doggo even aims to impress the audience with its execution further as it adds a round of barking after its howls.

No, Dad! I’m the best, okay?

Even as the dog spices up its howling stint with occasional barking, Dad refuses to relent as he responds with another round of yowling. However, Dad’s reply ultimately irked the competitive canine, prompting it to start barking ferociously at him.

Yet, no matter how the puppy warns Dad not to continue howling, the man continues to tease the irritated doggo. Thus, the pup decides to respond with another round of yowling in a bid to outshine Dad’s performance.

Do you think the competitive canine managed to win the howling contest? Make sure to continue watching the exciting footage in the link below.

Video Credit: Rumble Viral via YouTube


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