jgranja78 (CC0), Pixabay

Just when you thought you had seen everything, once in a while new stories seem to surface and challenge our ability to be surprised. Such a story originated in Australia.

John Bolton owns a farm located in South Australia and like many farm owners, he has several different animals inside his property. It’s not uncommon to see several animal species living together in farms and ranches, but no one was prepared to see what was about to happen when a lonesome baby was taken care of by the least expected inhabitant of Mr. Bolton’s property.

Dotty, a baby lamb born with an unusual (and certainly unique), speckled coat, was abandoned by his mother and left on his won. In a typical day, this would pose a great challenge for his survival. But not for too long.

Somehow aware of this situation, Zoe, a Dalmatian dog who also lives in the property, quickly adopted the helpless baby lamb a new mother-son interspecies bond was born.

Mr. Bolton says this adoption is not based exclusively on Dotty’s looks, whose coat is very similar to that of a Dalmatian dog. In his opinion, Zoe felt the need to take care of the abandoned lamb in addition to his looks, and her maternal instinct developed naturally.

Another interesting fact is that Zoe has no puppies of her own, which poses an advantage for the baby lamb, as her new mother has plenty of time to take care of her new son.

While we can only speculate on this, it makes you think if the absence of a substitute parent (or mother, in this case) for Dotty could have meant that his life expectancy could have been cut short, or if a human caretaker was all he needed to survive. Thankfully, our story had a very happy ending, and it seems like mother and son will keep their relationship strong for as long as they live together.

Source: YouTube via All About Animals


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