Residents of a neighborhood in a Korean city know Kancho all too well. He is a labrador that has been staying on the rooftop of a one-story structure for three years now. Everyone who passes by notices the dog just looking down at them. Sometimes, he would even dangerously sleep on the railings. But thankfully, he never falls off his perch.

Sunny or rainy

According to his owner, He doesn’t have a yard on his property and his rooftop is where he has enough space for the dog to roam and walk around. It has a wall that keeps the dog from falling. But Kancho prefers to sit on top of it, or stand by its side, just to see the activities below.

Kancho has always been a curious dog who loved to observe everything around him. The owner tries to get him off there, but he usually just goes back. And it doesn’t matter if it’s sunny or rainy, the dog would stay there no matter what.

There would even be times when he would pass the night sleeping on top of the wall.

Strangely enough, he even wants his meals there. If his owner, who tends a shop below, gives him his food near his dog house, Kancho would refuse to eat it. But if he brings his bowl to the wall, he would finish it all.

Local celebrity

His antics have made Kancho somewhat a local celebrity. People would always drop by and stop and say hi to him. Some of them would even bring snacks and throw them up to the dog. He has this amazing skill of always catching them with his mouth.

His popularity has caught the attention of a TV show. They featured him in one of their stories. And as a reward, they created a great living setup for him.

They placed a wooden table next to the wall where he could sit or lie down safely. They even put a bed on top of it to make him comfortable. And lastly, they placed a canopy over his spot so he won’t get wet by the rain or burned by the sun’s heat.

Source: SBS TV via Youtube


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