Everybody knows how dogs love to eat. Even if the meal’s not theirs, our canine pals come up with various strategies to steal even just a bite from the delectable food.

Thus, one cunning doggo sneakily drinks its fur parent’s coffee. Though fur parent purposely set everything, it seems the canine didn’t realize it’s a trap as it carries on with its stealthy moves.

Let’s make sure no one’s looking first.

In this heart-stopping footage, one can initially see a mug of coffee placed on a blue table. Not far away from the cup, one can see a woman putting her crutches against a piece of furniture inside the house.

By the looks of it, the woman forgot about the undrunk coffee. Nothing peculiar happened until one can see the reflection of a dog entering the patio area. And, it looks like the canine’s observing its surroundings as it carefully inspects every nook and cranny of the place.

Yay! This coffee’s mine now!

As the video progressed, the dog carried on with his inspection of the patio. When the canine ascertained that no one’s looking, it reaches for the mug on the table by climbing the chair.

But, the dog can’t fit in the cramped space as it transfers to the other side. Yet, it seems the area’s still too small as the canine heads out to think of another strategy.

The canine then calmly paces around the patio while thinking of a tactic to execute its plan. At some point, the cunning dog even sniffs out the coffee to add inspiration.

After what seems like an eternity, the canine successfully climbs on the chair and glugs the tasty coffee. The pooch carried on merrily drinking the coffee until it heard its fur parent’s voice from inside the house.

How do you think the dog reacted? Feel free to watch this stealthy dog in live-action through the video below.

Video Credit: ViralHog via YouTube


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