Service dogs are guardian angels for people who needed assistance in their daily lives. One service dog joined his human as she walked down the aisle for her graduation ceremony. Indeed, a moment of celebration coupled with some sadness – for the service dog is slowly losing his vision and has to retire.

Flash, a black Labrador service dog, has been Nicole Yarmolkevich’s buddy for five years. As a guide dog, it is Flash’s job to help Nicole around Illinois State University. The college student is visually impaired and needs Flash to get around campus. The dedicated service dog keeps Nicole safe all the time.

According to Nicole, Flash is a fantastic companion. But tragedy struck the service dog when he started losing his vision as well. With his old age, Flash needed to retire. But before he can finally retire his service dog vest, the university gave the service dog a ceremony to honor his dedication to one of its students. For all his hard work, Illinois State University gave Flash a certificate of commendation.

President Larry Deitz gave the award to Flash in front of the school’s disability office. The certificate was copied in Braille so that Nicole could read the citation to her beloved guide dog. President Deitz also gave a message to Flash – he patted his head and told him the whole office is proud of him. Aside from the certificate, Flash also received a dog bowl and a shirt from Illinois State University.

Nicole said she remembered the number of times that made her realize that Flash is losing his vision. A few times, there are hazards in front of them, causing them to fall or tumble down the stairs. Nicole thought Flash was not paying attention; it turns out he was already suffering from the loss of sight due to retinal degeneration and cataracts.

Nicole is emotional about Flash’s condition and is sad to let him go after many years of being together. Indeed it is a bittersweet farewell, but Nicole knows how happy Flash is, now that he served his purpose. Nicole owed it to the spectacular service dog – for, without him, she would not be able to survive college.



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