Most dogs know their way in order to get treats. While some beg, here’s a very clever one that pays to get his.

For several years now, maybe 5 or more, the school campus of Diversified technical Education Institute of Monterrey Casanare in Colombia has been the home of one sweet and friendly black dog known as Negro. In there, He acts as guardian of some sorts and keeps watch of things as the students set about their daily routines.

Photo Credit to Diversified Technical Education Institute of Monterrey Casanare

In exchange, Negro is properly taken cared of by everyone in the faculty, providing him food and water, love and affection, and a safe haven to spend each passing night. But apparently, sweet Negro has decided on his own that anything further is on him.

One day, Negro discovered a little store in the campus where his ‘classmates’ gather and buy stuff during their breaks and every now and then, they’d get him some cookies that are sold in there.

This, obviously, is how he managed to learn commerce and resolved to try and do it on his own. “He’s go to the campus store and watch how the children give their money and then receive something in return,” said Angela Garcia, one of the teachers in the school. “Then one spontaneous day, Negro appeared with a leaf in his mouth. He was wagging his tail and letting us know that he wanted some cookies.”

In the most clever way known to dogs, Negro had created his very own currency, and to his delight, it was, of course, accepted! He got his cookie.

As expected, after realizing that trees grows and produces money, Negro has since been regularly buying his own treats. “Every day, he comes and pays for a cookie with a leaf. It’s his daily purchase,” said Gladys Barreto, the store’s longtime attendant.

Photo Credits to Angela Garcia Bernal via The Dodo

Incredibly, the smart dog has been ‘paying’ for his treats for several years now. But staffs have always made sure that Negro only gets doggy–safe treats. In addition, they also limit his purchase so that the leafy currency as well as his waistline doesn’t hit a surprising inflation.


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