It’s a fact that not all dogs in the pound get rescued. Some of them stay there for years, not knowing how it is to be part of a family. For a dog named Kara, this is very true.

Kara was once a homeless dog. The city pound rescued her from the streets. However, no one had come to adopt her, so she remained in the pound for four years.

Locked up in a cage, the dog had never experienced the warmth of being in a real home. The streets were her old “home,” and now it was a steel cage.

She may have been spared from the dangers of living on the streets, but she still needed a clean, comfortable place to live. Most importantly, she needed a family.

The Howl of a Dog rescue organization saw Kara at the pound and decided to save her. They cleaned her up, fed her, and gave her a warm bed. They also had her treated for her skin problems.

One thing they noticed about Kara was that she was reserved especially around humans. This was probably because she never really formed a real bond of friendship with humans before.

Kara was always cautious and did not approach people immediately. One of the things that made her come near was when people offered her food. Otherwise, she generally stayed away. However, she was a very gentle dog.

Kara, who was ten years old when Howl of a Dog rescued her, already showed signs of aging. Her hearing was not that good anymore. She also had spondylosis.

This senior dog needed people who knew how to take care of someone like her. Fortunately, a family from the Netherlands came forward and adopted her. They wanted to give her the best during her golden years.

After spending about six years on the streets and four years in the city pound, Kara finally had a real home. Thanks to her rescuers and her adoptive parents, she got the chance to experience what she had never known all her life: the love of a family.

Source: Howl Of A Dog via YouTube


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