A lot of students have definitely been experiencing significant anxiety after everything that has happened over the past year. And to help them out when they get back to face-to-face classes, schools have recruited new staff although they’re a bit different from the usual because they have four legs and a body full of fur. But rest assured that they’re great at making people feel a sense of calm.

One of the furry friends who will be taking on that job is therapy dog Tryg, the newest addition to Burlington High School’s staff. He has been interning at the school for almost a year and he is definitely excited to officially get his paws to work.

It was Troy Everson, a science teacher at Burlington High School and also Tryg’s owner, who first pitched the idea of having a therapy dog in the school. He thought that therapy dogs would be a great help to the students after his firsthand experienced meeting and interacting with them. Aside from that, the timing couldn’t be more perfect.

It has been undeniably a very difficult year and everyone needs a calming support system to help them get through.

Allison Tenhagen, the school’s psychologist, saw how Tryg helped students deal with their anxiety. He had this natural sense of how to calm them and having him in the school provided a much-needed comfort. Additionally, Tryg also boosted the students’ confidence in school, allowing them to excel with their school work and exams. He also helped a lot with students who struggle in reading as they know that Tryg would never judge them.

But the best part about Tryg is that he is a good friend to everyone. He doesn’t care who you are or where you came from, he loves you just like everyone else. And while he doesn’t receive a monthly salary for his amazing work, he gets a lot of love, affection, belly rubs, and treats. And that is more than enough for him.

Source: TMJ4


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