Most pet owners understand the weight of responsibility attached to caring for their pet animals. And indeed, dedicated owners are unable to turn their backs at the sight or sound of an animal in need. Such was what John Cassabria experienced during what he thought was simply a regular workday.

John was completing his deliveries for Amazon in Woburn, Massachusetts on that fateful day. During one of his stops, he noticed a strange sound coming from one of the surrounding houses. He described it as being highly unusual, something akin to the wind howling.

Naturally curious, he decided to investigate and followed the direction of the weird noise. John was led to a fenced-in house, where he spotted the source of the mysterious sound. It was the wailing cry of a poor dog trapped in a pool.

Wasting no time, John sprung into action as soon as he spotted the weary dog fighting for life. The 14-year-old husky named Luka was exhausted and was about to give up. John quickly jumped into the pool with his clothes on, desperate to reach the poor pup in time.

John hoisted the dog up and pulled him to safety. Once on dry land, Luka was so shaken by her near-death encounter that he refused to let John walk away from him. Unable to leave the poor dog alone, John decided to call animal control for assistance.

Fortunately, the homeowners had a neighbor who was an animal control officer, and help was soon on its way. If it wasn’t for John and his quick thinking, things might have ended differently for Luka and her family.

Lucy Cadwell, Luka’s mom, was infinitely grateful for John’s heroic act in saving Luka’s life. John, ever humble, merely attributed his actions to what of any responsible pet owner would do in that situation. He said that any dog owner would be moved to do what he did, especially in the face of a dog in distress.

Photos courtesy of via Facebook


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